Water purification information

If the filter element is not replaced in time, the water purifier turns into a "sewage collector"? Don't take it lightly anymore!

Views : 14690
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-02 17:05:22
Do you have a water purifier at home? For many people, this has become a must-have household appliance. But do you know? It is not a decoration, but the last barrier to your drinking water health. Don't underestimate it, it can filter out rust, bacteria, viruses, etc. in the water to ensure your drinking water safety and health.In this article, Susan will share with you the relevant issues of replacing the filter element of the water purifier, and try to help you avoid pitfalls.

If the filter element is not replaced in time, the water purifier is simply installed in vain!

Maybe you think that not replacing the filter element in time is not a big harm, but what is the truth? After looking at the picture below, do you dare to look directly at the water purifier in your home that has not been replaced for a long time?
After the filter element of the water purifier reaches the limit of use, it must be replaced. This can ensure that the filtered water quality is still clean, otherwise it will bring a lot of trouble.

--The filtering effect is weakened, affecting health: The clogged filter element not only reduces the water flow, but also weakens the filtering effect, and the "purity" of the purified water decreases. In the long run, some harmful substances may be inhaled, which is not good for the body.
Increased maintenance costs for water purifiers: For water purifiers that filter step by step, if the first-stage filter element is blocked and not replaced, it will directly affect the second-stage filter element. Not only will the first-stage filter element need to be replaced, but the second-stage filter element will also need to be replaced in the end, and the cost will increase exponentially.

--Shortened service life of water purifiers: When the filter elements at all levels are shortened due to untimely replacement, the entire machine will become sluggish and may even be scrapped.

If you continue to use expired filter elements, how many pollutants will you drink? I can't even imagine...

When you find that your home water purifier has the following conditions, you have to replace the filter element quickly:

1. The water output is greatly reduced or no water is produced. Either the water purifier is faulty or the filter element is blocked. A large number of solid particles are intercepted, the efficiency is greatly reduced, and it can no longer meet the normal filtration needs.

2. The taste becomes worse, close to tap water, and the clarity decreases.

3. Exceeding the service life specified by the manufacturer.

Don't wait until the "water is at the bottom" to deal with it, it will be too late.

The water purifier is the guardian of our family's health, but we must also take the initiative to participate in this protection. At home, we are often busy and it is easy to ignore some small things, such as the replacement of the filter element of the water purifier. But in fact, this is a big thing related to our drinking water health.

When replacing the filter element, you can set some reminders or mark it on the calendar to remind yourself to pay attention. Of course, the replacement cycle should be adjusted according to the water quality and frequency of use, not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Moreover, to choose a good quality filter element, it is not just about pursuing cheapness. Sometimes a cheap filter element may have to be replaced soon, so it is better to choose a good cost-effective one from the beginning, which is trouble-free and worry-free.

The most important thing is not to treat the water purifier as a decoration. It is not just a kitchen appliance, but also a guardian of our family's health. Treat it with care, so that it can always protect our drinking water health.

In this era of convenience and speed, sometimes we need to spend a little time on some seemingly trivial things. Drinking water is a matter of direct concern to every family, so the use and maintenance of the water purifier is actually a reflection of a life attitude.
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