Water purification information

The after-sales service of the water purifier urges to replace the filter cartridge every year. Is it "dedication" or "deception"? The answer is here

Views : 14519
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-02 17:40:39
Some time ago, I talked to a friend about water purifiers. My friend always complained that he had to replace the filter cartridge of the water purifier again this year, and more than one thousand yuan was gone again.There is a problem that everyone must pay attention to, that is, the replacement of the filter cartridge of the water purifier. It can be said that after installing a water purifier at home, there will be problems in this regard every year.

I don’t know if you have encountered this situation: the after-sales service of the water purifier urges to replace the filter cartridge every year. So is it "dedication" or "deception"?In this article, Susan will share with you the relevant issues of replacing the filter cartridge of the water purifier, and try to avoid pitfalls.

What are the factors that affect the replacement of the filter cartridge?

Before we consider whether the water purifier needs to replace the filter cartridge, we should understand: What exactly affects the filter cartridge of the water purifier?
In other words, the reason why we replace the filter cartridge is that what problems have occurred. If we clarify these issues, we can actually extend the use time of the water purifier and extend the replacement cycle.
As for the factors that affect the filter element in the water purifier, I personally think that the following three points are more serious.

(I) - Water consumption

The first and most important factor that affects the filter element of the water purifier is: water consumption.
It can be said that the filter element replacement standards of most water purifiers on the market are based on water consumption.

For our ordinary families, it is actually necessary for everyone to master the approximate water consumption. A family of three uses purified water for cooking, making soup, and drinking water. The approximate water consumption can be obtained: about 2200L per year, and the daily water consumption is about 4-6L. You can calculate the annual water consumption based on this water consumption. In other words, based on this, we can know whether our water purifier needs to change the filter element.
Therefore, I would like to remind everyone that when we buy a water purifier, try to buy one with a large amount of filtered water, which will last longer.

(II) - Water pressure
The second important factor that affects whether the water purifier should replace the filter element is: water pressure.
Some friends may think that water pressure has nothing to do with the water purifier filter element.
In fact, it is not. The size of the water pressure also has a certain impact on the water purifier filter.
In fact, you can observe that if the water pressure in our home is particularly sufficient, you will find that the time to replace the water purifier filter is relatively short.For water pressure, the following effects are generally produced:

①. Low water pressure, the replacement cycle of the water purifier filter is longer. In other words, the degree of contamination of the water purifier filter will be lower, which actually depends on the amount of water flowing through.

②. High water pressure, the replacement cycle of the water purifier filter is shorter. In other words, the water purifier installed in our home may replace the filter less than the required time.

(III) - Water quality

The last point, and the most important point, is the factor that affects whether the water purifier needs to be replaced: water quality.

Although tap water is now consumed in some areas. However, there are still certain differences before tap water reaches each household.
Tap water is processed from the water plant and then transported to each household through the pipeline network.

In this process, tap water will be more or less polluted, and the water quality will change.

The quality of water has a great impact on the filter element:

①. If the water quality is good, the replacement cycle of the water purifier filter element is longer. You will find that the water purifier at home is very clean for a long time, and of course there is no need to replace it.

②. If the water quality is poor, the replacement cycle of the water purifier filter element is shorter. At this time, you will find that the water purifier filter element at home will be very dirty in a short time, and it is very obvious.

How to judge whether the filter element needs to be replaced?
The above introduces the influence of different influencing factors on the replacement of water purifier filter elements.
To sum up: when the water consumption is large, the water pressure is high, and the water quality is poor, the filter element replacement cycle is shorter. On the contrary, the filter element replacement cycle is longer. As for whether it needs to be replaced, we generally judge it based on the following four points.

(I) - The water output is significantly reduced
The first point that needs to replace the filter element is: the water output of the water purifier is significantly reduced.
Whether the filter element of the water purifier in our home needs to be replaced, the first point is to judge by the change of water output.

Everyone should be able to experience this. For example, a newly installed water purifier takes about 10 seconds to fill a cup of water. Later, it was found that it slowly became 15 seconds. Finally, it was found that the water slowly dripped down. For this point, you can compare and do a test with the water purifier purchased at home.
These are the basis for judging whether we need to replace the water purifier by the water output of the water purifier. To sum up simply: If you find that the water output of the water purifier has become significantly slower, then it is generally necessary to replace the filter element.
And the filter element that needs to be replaced at this time is generally the first PP cotton.

(II) - Taste deterioration
The second point that the water purifier needs to replace the filter element is that the taste of the water is obviously worse. The purpose of installing a water purifier at home is to improve the taste. To improve the taste, the filtration of the water purifier is used to filter out some impurities and microorganisms in the tap water to achieve direct drinking water. So, when we find that the taste of the water coming out of the water purifier at home has deteriorated, it may be a problem with the filter element of the water purifier. For many new friends, this may not be able to be accurately judged.

In fact, you can buy some water quality testing instruments to accurately test the specific conditions of the water quality.
It is very important to accurately judge whether the water purifier installed at home needs to be replaced by the water quality.

(III) - The indicator light is on

The third method to judge whether the filter element of the water purifier needs to be replaced is very simple, that is: look at the indicator light.
Of course, this is the same for some water purifiers with indicator lights. If not, there is no way to see it.
Now many brands of water purifiers are assembled with filter elements and have indicator lights on the outside. We can look at the instructions of the indicator lights of each brand of water purifier and find that the indicator lights have different functions. For example, some water purifiers have LED displays, which directly display text. For example, it shows that the filter element needs to be replaced. We use the prompts of these water purifier indicator lights to judge whether the water purifier needs to replace the filter element.
Of course, replacing the filter element at this time may be a bit wasteful. So you can open the filter element and check the condition of the filter element. If possible, you can rinse it and then put it in, and then look at the indicator light.
The conclusion is: if the indicator light is still flashing, prompting you to replace the filter element, then try to replace it. If the indicator light no longer prompts, then you can wait and change it.

(IV) - Reaching the service life
The fourth very important factor to determine whether the water purifier should replace the filter element is: whether it has reached the service life.
For different materials in the filter element, the replacement period is different.
Household water purifier filter elements generally have the following situations:

①, pp cotton filter element, the replacement cycle is 3-6 months.

②, granular activated carbon filter element, the replacement cycle is 3-6 months.

③, compressed activated carbon filter element, the replacement cycle is 6-9 months

④, RO reverse osmosis membrane or ultrafiltration membrane, the replacement cycle is 1-2 years (some good quality ones, 3-5 years are also available).

When purchasing a water purifier, first find out the replacement time of the above filter elements. Try to choose a long replacement time, so that it will be more cost-effective to use.
Water purifiers, you can't just use them without knowing the daily maintenance. For example, replace the filter.

Any water purifier has a time requirement for replacing the filter. We usually replace it according to the requirements. However, if the water consumption at home is relatively small, the time may be longer, so everyone should try to learn to judge.
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